Komplott Plot or conspiracy

Hemm verżjoni waħda ta' dan is-sinjal. Agħfas il-buttuni hawn taħt biex tara l-istampi, il-kitba u l-vidjow.

There is one version of this sign. Use the butttons below to view the photographs, signwriting and video.

  • Sketch
    Stampi, kitba u vidjow 1
    Pictures, signwriting and video 1

Is-sinjal għal KOMPLOTT magħmul minn tlett partijiet. Matul is-sinjal il-ġisem jiġi involut fis-sinjal billi d-daħar jitgħawweġ, l-ispallel jogħlew u r-ras tinżel ’il quddiem u l-ħuġbejn jitkemmxu ’l isfel u l-għajnejn jiċkienu. (i) Fl-ewwel parti iż-żewġ idejn jieħdu l-forma ta’ 5 milwija laxka bil-pala ta’ id tħares lejn il-pala tal-id l-oħra. Jitqiegħdu quddiem il-ħalq viċin ħafna kważi jmissu. Is-swaba’ javviċinaw is-saba’ l-kbir imbagħad jerġgħu jinfetħu. (ii) Fit-tieni parti id waħda titqiegħed ’il quddiem forma ta’ ponn laxk jew ta’ 5 magħluq bil-pala tħares ’il fuq. L-id l-oħra tifforma ponn u jolqot il-ponn jew il-pala tal-id il-wieqfa darbtejn. (iii) Fit-tielet parti jsir is-sinjal għal KONTRA. Iż-żewġ idejn jieħdu l-forma ta’ U mgħawwġa bil-pala ta’ id tħares lejn il-pala tal-id l-oħra u jersqu lejn xulxin mill-ġnub sakemm il-ponot tas-swaba’ tal U jaħbtu.

This sign consists of three parts. Throughout the sign the whole body is involved. The back is hunched forward, the shoulders are raised upwards, the eyebrows crease downwards whilst the eyes become smaller. (i) The first part is made with two hands in the shape of bent 5 with the palms facing each other. The hands are placed in front of the mouth almost touching each other. The fingers move towards the thumb and then open up again. (ii) In the second part, one hand is placed forward in the shape of a fist or closed 5 with the palm facing upwards. The other hand forms a fist and hits the other fist or palm of the stationary hand. (iii) The third part is the sign for AGAINST. The two hands take the shape of clawed U with palms facing each other and move towards each other from the sides until the fingertips of the U hit each other.